Deister proxSafe

Deister Keysafe Management - Deister proxSafe management system compliments the AC2000 access control system by providing an effective way to physically secure keys and valuable equipment. Deister proxSafe ensures that only authorised cardholders have access to secured keys, providing accountability and preventing the loss of valuables.

The CEM Deister proxSafe Interface allows selected AC2000 personnel details to automatically populate the Deister proxSafe system. The AC2000 central database server (CDC) automatically exports the list of selected keysafe access users. This is imported into the proxSafe server using the Deister proxSafe open Importer software.

With the keysafe system making use of the access control data, reports can be generated for accountability purposes. For example, which personnel/cardholders accessed the keysafe and at what time.


  • Reduces wasted time looking for lost keys
  • Prevents unauthorised access to keys/ assets
  • AC2000 card data records are exported to the Deister proxSafe system
  • AC2000 card data automatically exported every 24 hours
  • Exported data is then imported into the keySafe system using the proxsafe importer software application
  • Transferred AC2000 personnel details and card numbers viewable on the keySafe software (which can be accessed via the web)
  • Using an integrated card reader on the keysafe terminal, only authorised card holders will have access to certain keys
