
The AC2000 Zettler Interface enables uni-directional communication allowing the AC2000 system to receive alarms from the Zettler Range Fire Detection System consisting of a network of up to 99 Fire Panels – each one controlling sets of Points and Zones.

The AC2000 Zettler Fire Interface enables AC2000 to act as the central Security Management System (SMS) and provides a fully integrated interface for monitoring and reporting building security events.

Through the AC2000 Zettler Fire Interface, access control and fire alarms / events can be displayed via a single alarm monitoring screen using the central and powerful AC2000 Security Hub application. 


  • Activated alarms shown instantly within AC2000 Security Hub module; Zettler panels sensors/icons placed on graphical Maps
  • Fire alarms reported instantly on AC2000 Security Hub application for central monitoring
  • Convenient and easy to integrate with existing AC2000 installations
  • Communicates with Fire Network via external MZX BACnet Converter
  • Graphical representation of current states for MZX Components: Points, Zones and Panels
  • MZX Component state changes displayed as Alarms and Events
